Fahad Alnemary

Fahad Alnemary - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Founder and MD of Ynmo, the developer of the practice management system for special education and other disability services providers. Expert on autism spectrum disorder. Invited Scholar to the Stanford Autism Center at Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University. Assistant professor of Special Education at Taif University. Over 17 years’ experience in providing and supervising services such as early intervention, special education and behavioural therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities in schools, clinics & homes. Has a solid background in applied statistics and he is a health and educational services researcher who seeks to identify the best ways to organize, finance and deliver the services to children with disabilities and other needs. The focus of his research is to examine the effects of policies and resources on services for people with disabilities. Published many articles in refereed journals and made numerous presentations at professional conferences. Member of Kasari Lab, Center for Autism Research and Treatment and the Graduate school of Education, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behaviour, University of California, Los Angeles (2012 to 2017). Holds a doctorate of Human Development and Psychology from the Joint Doctoral Program between University of California, Los Angeles and California State University Los Angeles.